Books I Have Been Reading & The Co-Ho Book I DNF

The Whisper Man by Alex North

It’s time for some more books that I have been reading since my August post. I’ll be honest; I haven’t read too many books that I loved, but I found a new favorite book. I love Colleen Hoover’s books, but I had to give up on one for the first time recently. It just wasn’t for me!

The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse

I made the mistake of buying The Retreat, which happens to be the second book in the Detective Elin Warner series, following The Sanatorium. Using Libby for the first time, the digital library rental app, I read The Sanatorium and loved it. I really enjoyed reading this book and am excited to start The Retreat soon!

Elin Warner has recently been on an extended leave from her job as a detective but is suddenly thrust back into action when she is trapped with a killer. A storm leaves only a few remaining in a hotel that was recently renovated from an abandoned sanatorium. Elin is determined to uncover the truth about her brother and their dark past, as well as stop a serial killer that is amongst them.

The Whisper Man by Alex North

I recently joined a book club, and the first book of October was The Whisper Man by Alex North. This book has gone to the top of the list of my favorite books! Now, if you have young kids or get easily spooked, this is not the book for you. It is creepy, has so many layers, and kept me constantly guessing. The Whisper Man is told from multiple perspectives, which is my personal favorite style of writing.

A man and his young son move to Featherbank for a new start, not knowing the dark history of the town. A young boy vanishes at the same time as their arrival, and the detective helping out is no stranger to this crime. Twenty years prior, this detective worked on finding the man responsible for five young boys’ murders. Now, this man and his young son are experiencing creepy and unexplainable accounts, which kept me wanting more.

Colleen Hoover’s Book I Did Not Finish

I love Colleen Hoover’s books, but this is the first time I haven’t finished reading a book of hers. Regretting You just felt a little young for me, and I couldn’t relate to the characters. Not that this is a necessary aspect of any book, but it felt like a missing element for the type of book this was. I think if I read this book a few years ago, I would have loved it. People either love or hate Colleen Hoover, but I’m definitely going to read more from her. This book was just a miss for me.

Another Book I DNF?

These past few months I have found a new favorite book, and possibly a new series to continue reading. I have also found two books I just couldn’t get through. The second book I didn’t continue reading was A Hundred Other Girls by Iman Hariri-Kia.

This book was just disappointing in every aspect, and I only got a few chapters in. The most common complaint I saw on Goodreads was the Gen Z references, where it sounds as though the author just searched Gen Z terms and copied them in the book. Unfortunately, I completely agree with this. The worst part of the book for me? The grammatical errors! I couldn’t get over how many mistakes were in the book and it made it so frustrating to get through.

Did You Like Any Of The Books I Have Been Reading?

I have the most challenging time not finishing a book. After miserably finishing books in the past, I have now forced myself to just put them down if I don’t like them. But it bothers me so much! Especially when the books are on my Kindle, which both of these books are. Regardless, I’m ready to start my next book! The book club I recently joined is reading The Butcher and the Wren by Alaina Urquhart, which I have been ready to read ever since it was released. I think it’s going to be a really good one!

It was definitely a slower reading period for me, but I did find some amazing new books, along with new authors that I’m excited to read more from. Have you read any of these books that I have been reading? Is giving up on a book a challenge for you? I’d love to chat about it!

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