The Last Thing He Told Me: Book Review

The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

If you are on Booktok or Bookstagram, you have probably seen all the excitement on The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. It is a top pick for countless readers online, but for me, I didn’t understand the hype. Don’t get me wrong; it wasn’t a bad book, but it definitely was not a favorite of mine.

A Brief Description

Hannah Hall receives a note from her husband, Owen, with only two words: protect her. She knows immediately that he is referring to his daughter and her stepdaughter, Bailey. Yet, she has no idea what he is referring to. Bailey wants nothing to do with her stepmother, after losing her own mother at a young age. Owen’s boss is arrested by the FBI and they arrive to question Hannah, only she has no answers. Hannah and Bailey then set off to Texas to discover the truth about Owen’s past and where he might be today.

My Thoughts

Now, this sounds amazing. And it was a really good plot, but it felt as though there was a missing element that I couldn’t place my finger on. It had so much potential, but it fell short for me.

So, what did I like about the book? For one, it is based in the Texas Hill Country. So, I recognized and resonated with a lot of the places that Laura Dave mentions. I enjoy any book based in this area, so it was fun in that way. It was also an easy read. Bailey’s character development was sweet and seeing the change in her attitude throughout the novel was much needed.

What I didn’t like about the book? The lack of intensity is insane, considering it is supposed to be a mystery/thriller. There are so many moments in the book that start off with intensity, but quickly lose that aspect. The fact alone that the mystery needs to be solved based on Bailey’s memories from when she was four years old is enough to show the lack of development in the plot. I have read a lot of mysteries and thrillers that I loved, like a few on my first blog post, and this one just fell short.

Final Thoughts

The Last Thing He Told Me definitely wasn’t a book I hated, but it just wasn’t what I had anticipated. Maybe that’s due to how much I saw people raving over it before reading? It is being turned into a limited series, with Jennifer Garner playing the main role of Hannah. I’m excited to see their interpretation of the novel. Typically, the book is better than the movie/show, but I’m intrigued to see this when it comes out!

Have you read this hyped-up novel, The Last Thing He Told Me? Let me know what you thought of it in the comments!

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