Kindle vs. Paperback? My Personal Preferences!

Kindle vs. Paperback

Hello, my fellow book lovers! Today’s post is all about my personal reading preferences: Kindle vs. paperback.


I was super late to the Kindle train, but my boyfriend gifted me one for Valentine’s Day this year. I have the Kindle 10th Generation and LOVE it. I feel as though I have been reading way more often, due to how easy it is to carry around.

One of my favorite parts of reading from my Kindle is how easy it is to read laying down. There’s nothing worse than trying to read in bed and not being able to get comfortable. However, my Kindle solves that problem. Of course, there is also the aspect of being able to download and start reading your new book immediately after purchasing it from anywhere, which is a major perk.

I recently tried out the option of renting a book digitally using my library card on my Kindle. And I have to say, it is my new favorite thing! I accidentally bought the second book of the Detective Elin Warner Series by Sarah Pearse, so I used Libby (the digital library rental app) to rent the first book and it is amazing. It might be my new go-to method for reading.


There really is nothing like the feel and scent of a new book. As much as I love my Kindle, nothing beats a beautiful bookshelf full of paperbacks and hardcovers.

I love the actual feeling of holding a book and feeling the pages, as odd as it may sound. I think there is something comforting about getting cozy with a new book in your hands that just sets the scene for a perfect afternoon of reading.

Another big pro of reading from physical books is that they make great gifts. I can easily make an Amazon wishlist or show friends and family my Goodreads account and then they can see what books I want to read.

Kindle Vs. Paperback: The Winner?

If I really had to choose between the two, I would choose my Kindle as my favorite way to read. It is just the perfect way to read in any setting and is so accessible. All in all, I like to rotate back and forth between paperbacks and my Kindle, because I truly love both.

What is your favorite way to read?

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